Welcome! Ngā mihi ki a koutou

The purpose of the group is to communicate with PTA members between meetings. The PTA is our Parent Teacher Association, a part of the national PTA. We work together to: 

  • raise funds for our school (for whatever’s on the school’s wish list) 
  • create events and provide experiences for our families 
  • strengthen our school community 
  • voice and discuss as a parent community and feed back to the school 

All parents and teachers are a part of the PTA and can contribute and come to monthly meetings as much or as little as they would like.  

You are also welcome to email us at pta@tirimoana.school.nz with any suggestions/ideas/enquiries. 

For more information, visit our PTA Facebook page.   

Previous Minutes 

See Facebook for latest Minutes. 

Current Office Holders 

Chairperson: Suzi Mattingley

Vice Chair: Jenny Atkins (Secretary of the School) 

Secretary: Kylee Kiss-Eynon

Treasurer: Jean Timms (Office Administration) 

Vice Treasurer: Shirley Wensor (Executive Officer of the school)


The PTA would like to thank the following people for their Donations/Prizes 

Thank you for your support