1. Rationale for Policy Making
  2. Consultation and Involvement with the Parents/Community
  3. Positive Behaviour For Learning – School Wide 
  4. Traumatic Events
  5. Enrolment of Pupils and Enrolment Schemes, Home Zone Area and Map)
  6. Financial Management – Internal Control, Theft and Fraud Prevention
  7. Privacy
  8. Library
  9. Cell Phone 
  10. Parent and Whānau Engagement
  11. Personnel Employment
  12. Professional Growth Cycle
  13. Active Supervision
  14. Annual Classification of Students
  15. Sale, Supply and Consumption of Alcohol
  16. Relief Teaching
  17. Travel Safety
  18. Sexual Harassment
  19. Learning Support and Enrichment 
  20. Use of School Grounds by Other Organisations
  21. Curriculum Delivery
  22. Equity
  23. Equal Employment Opportunity
  24. Complaints
  25. Parents and Visitors to the School
  26. International Fee-Paying Learners
  27. International Fee-Paying Learners Fee Refund Policy
  28. Annual Review of International Fee-Paying Learners Information
  29. Student Teacher
  30. Enrolment of Children Requiring Additional Learning Support
  31. Monitoring of Learners Attendance and Absences
  32. Student Wellbeing
  33. First Aid
  34. Stand-Down, Suspension and Exclusion
  35. Gifts/Koha/Acknowledgements
  36. Emergency and Evacuation
  37. Code of Conduct
  38. Sun Safety
  39. Allocation of Units
  40. Principal’s Leadership, Professional Growth Cycle and Performance Review
  41. Health and Safety in the Workplace
  42. Copyright and Licences
  43. Animal Welfare
  44. Child Protection
  45. Induction of New Staff- Plus Appendix
  46. Professional Learning Development
  47. Protected Disclosures (Plus Protected Disclosure Form)
  48. Fixed Assets
  49. Work-Life Balance and Stress Management (Plus Examples)
  50. Classroom Release Time
  51. Practising Teacher Certificate
  52. Group International Fee-Paying Learners
  53. ESOL/English Language Learners
  54. Staff Leave
  55. Pandemic Planning (Plus Appendix)
  56. The Prevention and Management of Bullying
  57. School Uniform
  58. Physical Restraint and Seclusion Policy (Aramai He Tēkēkura)