Tirimoana Kapa Haka

(Photograph courtesy of Mrs Awhina Woolrich, December 2020)
Nau mai. Haere mai i nga matauranga o Tanerore raua Hine-a-Rehia ki te akoako ki te Kapa Haka o Tirimoana. Ahakoa ko wai, ahakoa no hea, whakatau mai nei.
Each year, all students currently enrolled at Tirimoana School, in term 1, have an opportunity to join our Kapa Haka Team. By term 2 they need to fully commit to the group so that our Kapa can prepare appropriately, to confidently perform a full program of oriori and represent our School in whakatau, hui and performance within and out of the School.
Our numbers fluctuate as children realise that learning te reo, actions, choreography and team work consistently throughout the year requires focus and discipline. Positive and consistent reminders to attend practices, even learning the words and actions as a family, helps to support the children in their efforts to learn our items. Many opt out of Kapa Haka when their friends’ interest wanes. Those who persist enjoy the journey, have fun and feel proud of their performances.
We require parental support to help monitor, dress, apply makeup and put costumes on and away. Teamwork amongst the children and ourselves is important, as there is a process for creating confident performers. We have several graduates that assist with composing, choreography and tutoring. We have wananga during the holidays to learn and finesse items. By working collaboratively, all of us contribute to creating an environment where our tamariki grow in their knowledge of te reo and tikanga Maori through oriori.
In 2021 we performed in the Tāmaki Kura Tuatahi Kapa Haka competition. Watch our performance here https://www.maoritelevision.com/shows/tamaki-kura-tuatahi-kapa-haka-2021/S01E007/2021-kura-tuatahi-tamaki-tirimoana-school-full
Pasifika is a vibrant part of the cultural mix that makes up the fabric of Tirimoana School. Staff are working closely with the wider Pasifika community to provide learning opportunities and experiences across all the year groups, ranging from student focused activities to develop a deeper understanding during the Pacific language weeks to the engaging performances of the Pasifika group. Not only do the learners in the group get to develop their confidence in performing, the whole school gets to see culture in action in a meaningful way. We are proud to be supporting future Pasifika leaders within the learners. We constantly look at ways of upskilling our teachers through Professional Development and through engagement with the community. We celebrate Pacific Language weeks and encourage inclusivity in our classes.